Graphic Design Services

Price Varies (Sliding Scale Upon Request)

Basic Logo Design: $100-$250

(includes a 2D logo with customizable text)

Standard Logo Design: $250-$350

(includes a 2D and 3D logo with customizable text / colors)

Premium Logo Design: $350-$500

(includes a 2D and 3D logo with customizable text / colors / icons)

Business Branding Package: $350-$500

(includes multiple 2D and 3D logos with customizable

text / colors / icons / cohesive branding graphics)

Photography Services

Price Varies (Sliding Scale Upon Request)

Basic Headshots: $150-$250

(includes 1-3 professionally edited headshots)

Modeling Digitals: $250-$350

(includes a professionally edited headshot,

full profile shot, 3/4 headshot, full body shot, and a comp card)

On Location Photoshoot: $350-$500

(includes 10-15 professionally edited images)

Studio Photoshoot: $550-$1,000+

(includes 15-20 professionally edited images)

Want to talk about it?